$2.0 – $15.0
Categories: Earth Day, Images for all occasions
Tags: aggressive, antiperspirant, armpit, artwork, axillary, blond hair, blue, bulging eyes, caricature, cartoon, clip art, comic, crying, dangerous, deodorant, design, digital art, distressed, Download, drawing, escaping, fleeing, frightened, funny, Graphic, green, humor, illustration, Image, intimidating, malicious, man, menacing, mischievous, naked, naughty, nude, perturbed, playful, red tongue, roguish, running away, scared, shadows, skin, Stock Image, teeth, terrified, threatening, towel, troubled, underarm spray, vector art, yelling
Commercial deodorants are not healthy and eco-friendly at all!
Naked man fleeing naughty deodorant
Scared naked man with a lot of hair in his underarms and covered with a green towel while running away from a mischievous blue bottle of deodorant, marked as Mr. Deo, which tries to spray a liquid substance to suppress man’s odors, but being really harmful for man’s health and environment.