$2.0 – $15.0
Categories: Valentine's Day, Communication, Culture, Images for all occasions, Internet, Patterns, Symbols, Technology
Tags: abstract, appeal, artwork, barcode, call, caricature, clip art, comic, communication, complex, concept, declaration of love, demand, design, digital art, drawing, embed, enclose, flat colors, geometric, grid, heart, humor, illustration, information, invitation, Love, matrix, message, passion, pattern, pixels, qr code, reach, red, relationships, request, scan, search, searching for love, shape, sign, squares, suggestion, symbol, valentine, Valentine's Day, vector art
Scan this red QR code and find the love of your life!
Big cartoon heart showing a pattern composed by red and white square elements. The heart encloses a red QR code, a real invitation to scan and find the love of your life!
Download this appealing red heart and have fun while finding love!