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Categories: Images for all occasions, Valentine's Day
Tags: absurd, anti-valentines day, artwork, asphyxiating, bad luck, balloon, betrayed, caricature, cartoon, clenching eyes, clip art, comic, confusing, corpse, dead, defeated, design, desperation, digital art, disappointed, disillusion, dissatisfaction, distress, Download, drawing, dying, floating, frustration, Graphic, graphic humor, hangman, heart, helpless, hopeless, humor, illustration, Image, irony, isolated, killed, lonely, Love, perturbing, red, sorrow, sticking tongue out, Stock Image, suffering, suffocating, surprising, tongue, vector art, white, white man
How to avoid becoming a smitten man hanged in the name of love
At some occasions, love is not as magic as you imagined, and it finishes by hanging you by the neck without giving you any chance of escaping, breathing and saving your life.
Love yourself first and everything else falls into line!