$2.0 – $15.0
Categories: Creatures, Humans, Men, People, Pictograms, Sport, Stick man, Weightlifting
Tags: artwork, athletic discipline, barbell, bodybuilding, bodyweight category, championship, clean and jerk, clipart, digital art, drawing, dynamic, explosive, graceful, heavy, illustration, Image, lifter, London 2012, muscles, Olympic games, Olympics, pictogram, Rio 2016, royalty free, snatch, stick man, strength sports, strong, vector art, weight plates, Weight training, weightlifting
Who can lift the same weight this stick man is able to?
Strong man lifting weights. Stick man making a big effort lifting weights in a weightlifting event. Pictogram representing a strong man practicing a strength sport, weightlifting, which consists on lifting a barbell loaded with several weight plates. Clean and Jerk has been successfully completed. Brush style.